
ICE AGE 4(PS) Part 6: One Alone Is Not Enough

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One Alone Is Not Enough:

Diego looked out over the valley, searching for anything worth hunting. He decided to try and look for the nearest water source around, where there was water there was bound to be some food nearby. He began to climb down to more even ground, figuring if he did by some chance find something he would be able to sneak up on it without possibly injuring himself in the process.

Finally he spotted a small gorge up a head which he knew instinctively held water inside, he picked up his pace he was starting to get really hungry! He saw a small cliff that overlooked the inside of the gorge and started to make his way carefully over to it, if there were any animals about he didn't want to alert them.

When he eventually did get to the platform he stared down to see what was there, that's when he got the biggest shock; there was no food at all around the somewhat large lake.........just Shira, walking away from it towards the entrance.

Diego watched her go through the large crack where the two sides of the gorge met, he saw her sniff the air and then the ground. She looked like she was on the hunt too, an idea popped into his head but he quickly dismissed it. But it wouldn't go away, he sighed it was probably the smartest and most logically idea but he wasn't too keen on it, finally he decided to risk it, he started to make his way down the cliff and eventually make his way to her.

He made sure he appeared in front of her, sneaking up on a saber was never a good idea and the one creature who would know that better than anyone was Sid.

Shira raised her head after trying to pick up a scent trail of any kind; she spotted Diego instantly and gave him a questioning look before sitting herself down.

Shira: What brings you here?
Diego: I might ask you the same thing.
Shira: *reluctantly* If you must know I'm hunting.
Diego: *smiles* Me too.
Shira: *raises an eyebrow* Found anything?
Diego: Ah You, does that count?

She didn't say anything just stared at him while raising an eyebrow.

Shira: No
Diego: Then no I haven't, what about you?
Shira: *smiles* No but if I had I wouldn't tell you.

She got up and began to walk past him.

Diego: Ever heard of sharing?
Shira: Yes, just not with you.
Diego: *places a paw on his chest* Oh! I'm hurt! *sarcastically*
Shira: *rolls her eyes but smiles*

As she strutted past him Diego suddenly noticed that patches of her fur were shimmering if she were or had been wet at some point. It bothered him for only a moment before he remembered why he had originally chosen to come down and talk to Shira.

Diego: *turned round after her* You know I think I might have an idea to suit us both.

Shira stopped and her ears perked up before she turned her head to look at him, she raised her eyebrows in a rather curious expression.

Shira: I'm listening.
Diego: We're both hungry right?
Shira: Yeah
Diego: And we both can't seem to find anything…
Shira: Yeah, where you going with this?
Diego: …on our own!

She suddenly understood but she wasn't particularly happy with the suggestion that came next.

Diego: But maybe together we'll have more of a chance.
Shira: I don't know.
Diego: Or we could both starve to death, your choice.
Shira: You might, not me. She said rather proudly
Diego: And how come you're so special?
Shira: As I said to the sloth, I've got skills!

And with that she began walking on again. Diego sighed and decided to try a different approach; it might be the only thing that might get under Shira's skin enough for her to agree with him.

Diego: Well why not use some of those skills and help me find something, show me how special you think you are.

It wasn't a question more like an order.

Shira stopped dead in her tracks and looked at him her eyes wide and ears flat. Diego walked past her as if she wasn't even there, he heard her growl and a smile grew on his face.

Shira: *in mind* Oh he did not just do that!

Beating her at her own game seemed like a smart idea at the time but then again Shira didn't come across as someone who simply rolled over after a few hits.

Shira: One of those skills happens to be singing would you like me to sing you a lullaby ever night as well…SOFTIE!


He froze and let out a snarl.

Diego: Ok that's it!

That was all it took for Diego to snap! He spun round and jumped her, the idea was to pin her but he slammed into her so hard that they ended up tumbling over each other until Shira ended up pinning him! She slammed him down on the ground and stared down at him with an amused look on her face like it was child's play.

Shira: *giggles* Not a smart idea!
Diego: Get off me!

He growled before pushing her off, which she allowed him to get away with, surprisingly. She raised her head in triumph before she began to turn away, Diego seized his chance and tackled her again, and they tumbled down a small hill into a clearing before yet again somehow Shira ended up being the victor!

Shira: Again not a smart idea *smiles*

This was starting to frustrate Diego immensely; all he had managed to achieve so far was proving she was smarter than him which didn't help his earlier goal to persuade her that working together to hunt was the most practical way to ensure they both got something to eat.
Diego: Aaarrggghhh!
Shira: Oh someone's not a very happy bunny! *giggles*

Diego was about to retaliate when out of nowhere there was a loud rumbling noise, it took them both a few moments to realise it was Shira's stomach! He looked up at her and her eyes were wide in shock, she obviously hadn't intended for that to happen! He smirked at her, now SHE was the one who looked bad! She jumped off him and backed away; he got to his feet and stood in front of her still smiling. Shira had her head turned with her ears flat, clearly embarrassed.

Diego: Bet you didn't see that coming.

To Shira it sounded like he was making fun of her but his voice was soft almost sympathetic, she hated anyone feeling sorry for her because it looked as if she was weak! She straightened up and tried to look as serious as she could.

Shira: I…

But before she could even get the words out Diego raised a paw to stop her, and for some reason she silenced herself.

Diego: Tell me after we find some food ok kitty.

He walked right on her past very casually.

Shira had to stop her mouth from falling to the floor, was he ordering her around?! And he called her Kitty AGAIN! She so wanted to say something in retaliation but she bit her tongue as she decided that it wouldn't make her any less hungry. Reluctantly she went after him but still marched on in front trying to look as unfazed as possible to what he had said.

Diego smiled to himself, he hadn't beaten her but she hadn't won either so he was pleased with that. He had managed to show he was no push over just as he knew she wasn't either, but they both also had knowledge of exactly how and which of each other's buttons to push to get the best reaction. This battle was far from over!

As they were walking into cover to scout for any prey, Diego noticed that Shira's fur appeared to be rather smooth and flat, they only reason he had noticed this was that it was unusual, after all the tumbling they had been doing it should have been all ruffled and messy but hers seemed to be almost soft as if it had been cleaned. Some parts of her fur were also still shimmering which still puzzled him, the only thing he could think of as a possibility was that she had groomed herself recently, the problem with that was that the shimmering where her fur appeared wet, was on most of her body but most of those places she wouldn't have been able to reach not matter how hard she tried. There were patches on her neck, along her back and as well as parts of her face which couldn't have been the result of grooming.

Shira:  There! *she whispered harshly*

Diego snapped out of his thoughts and drew his attention back to the clearing, and there right in the centre was a single gazelle grazing on some scrubs, finally some food he thought!  

Shira: I'll flank it and then you drive it towards me, got it?!
Diego: Do you always get this cranky and demanding when you're hungry?
Shira: *growls softly* Just stick to the plan ok?!
Diego: Ok

And with that Shira prowled off into thick cover circling round to the side where she was less likely to be seen by the gazelle, once she was in position she gave a swift nod to Diego, he nodded back and skilfully began to stalk his way down closer to the gazelle. He stopped about a metre away and still the animal had no idea it had been targeted. Shira had also edged forward to get more ahead of the gazelle, that's when she unknowingly stepped on a branch!


The gazelle raised its head within a second. Shira silently cursed herself; the gazelle looked up in her direction even though she was in thick cover her fur still stood out against the bright vegetation. The gazelle twitched its ear and took off; both Diego and Shira sprang into action!

Having already spotted Shira the gazelle ran in arch shape away from her, however she had already predicted this and managed to stay with it. Diego was on its heels trying to steer it towards a narrower path, it worked! The gazelle ran at top speed and slowly began to gain ground ahead of Diego; he looked over at Shira who had managed to keep pace with it.

They were both starting to run low on steam before Shira saw up ahead that it was a dead end, with no sign of a way out!

Shira: That's it!  

Using the remaining energy she had she pushed on ahead until she was far out in front of the gazelle, so far in fact that she managed to reach the dead end before the gazelle. Just as she came to the end she spun round growling, the gazelle tried to stop but Diego was coming up from behind it, there was no way out. When the sabers pounced, it was all over.

The sun was setting, Diego and Shira were on their way back to the rest of the herd after a long eventful day. However Shira seemed to be exhausted, that is more exhausted then she should have been, sure she had sprinted on ahead to corner the gazelle but she shouldn't have been completely drained, yet she was dragging on behind while having to stop every few minutes to catch her breath. Diego could sense something wasn't right, he had thought that something was off since he found her this morning at the gorge. Sid had mentioned before that she wasn't happy but something else was going on, he knew if he asked she wouldn't tell not even give any kind of a hint, if he was going to find out he would have to be smart about it and he WAS going to find out. For now his only concern was getting back home and calling it a day.

Part 1 - [link]
Part 2 - [link]
Part 3 - [link]
Part 4 - [link]
Part 5 - [link]
Part 6 - (You're here)
Part 7 - [link]
© 2012 - 2024 tricksterfox18
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UnsureGirl's avatar
awesome!! I wonder what's wrong with Shira? Can't wait!!